This Bigcommerce Tutorial is about creating custom Panel in Bigcommerce. Before we start about creating custom Panel in Bigcommerce, basic understanding about Panel is required.
What are Panels ?
Panels are dynamic and reusable block used by Bigcommerce to create a page. These block are repetitive and these block determine the overall layout of the website.
Can we create a custom Panel in Bigcommerce ?
Definitely, custom Panels can be created in Bigcommerce to use the codes of your own while customizing the Bigcommerce free or Premium theme. In this tutorial we will create a custom Panel that will hold a vimeo video embed code to show on the home page of Bigcommerce Theme. To create a custom Panel please follow the steps:
- Create a HTML file, say it vimeoVideo.html
<!-- Empty HTML Page --> <!-- empty HTML page ends -->
- Remember to clear default HTML tags if you are using Adobe Dreamweaver to create the HTML file. The HTML file should be clean. as above.
- Place your code in the empty HTML file.
<!-- code for custom Panel goes here -- the example shows adding avimeo video --> <iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">NEPAL BIKETRIAL</a> from <a href="">Joachim Skjævestad</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
- When you call the custom Panel into any other Panels, it starts with “%% Panel.” and ends with “filename%%” . Here the file name is “vimeoVideo” .
- The code when you call vimeoVideo.html would be like : %%Panel.vimeoVideo%% .
- The code below is a default HTML page of BluePrint Theme of Bigcommerce, where the vimeoVideo is called.
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% <body id="home"> <div class="page"> %%Panel.Header%% <div class="main"> <div class="inner"> %%Panel.WrapperBanner%% <div class="Content Widest" id="LayoutColumn1"> %%Panel.HomeSlideShow%% %%Banner.TopBanner%% %%Discount.FreeShippingEligibility%% %%Panel.HomeFeaturedProducts%% %%Panel.SideTopSellers%% %%Panel.HomeNewProducts%% </div> </div> <!-- vimeo video --> %%Panel.vimeoVideo%% <!-- vimeo video ends --> %%Banner.BottomBanner%% </div> %%Panel.Footer%% </div> </body> </html>
- Not only for the home page; Now you can call %%Panel.vimeoVideo%% in any Panels where you need to call the video.